Material Fact – Interruption in Vehicle Transport Operations

Tegma Gestão Logística S.A. (“Tegma” or “Company”) communicates to its shareholders, investors and the market in general, new information regarding the repercussions of the coronavirus outbreak (COVID 19) in relation to its operations.

As it is known, the pandemic originated a Legislative Decree nº 06, of 03/20/2020, at the federal level, recognizing national public calamity, as well as other Decrees of similar content in several Brazilian states. In addition, it recognized public calamity and/or state of emergency and determined several restriction measures and isolation for activities. As a result, aiming to protect employees and third parties that work in this process and, after a period of rapid deceleration, our vehicle logistics operations are practically interrupted.

At the same time, this fact was communicated by Tegma to its customers and contingency plans designed jointly, aiming to mitigate the consequences of such shutdown.

We inform that, up to now, other businesses continue to operate normally and, in some cases, with volumes even higher than in a normal situation.

Tegma reiterates its belief that the Company has adequate flexibility and financial capacity to face short term impacts on its cash flow.

We ratify that our contingency plans involve several areas, such as (i) labor, (ii) monitoring the health of employees and (iii) containing financial disbursements. In what refers specifically to the labor area, the company will also evaluate the new flexible labor laws alternatives contemplated by Provisional Measure 927 of March 22, 2020 to deal with the current situation.

All measures mentioned in the Notice to the Market filed on March 19, 2019 remain in force and, until the time of this Material Fact, no employee has been tested positive for Covid-19.

Tegma reiterates its commitment toward the safety and health of its employees and third parties and will keep the market and its shareholders duly informed about any supervening event related to COVID 19.

São Bernardo do Campo, March 25, 2020.

Ramón Pérez Arias Filho

CFO and Investor Relations Officer


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IR Contacts:

Ian Nunes, (11) 4397-9423,

William Santos, (11) 4397-9399,