Our commitments to the environment

Black Smoke Opacity Control

Since we are a logistics and transportation company, our main environmental impact is the emission of pollutants and GHG gases from our outsourced truckers partners. In order minimize this effect, we strictly control the smoke opacity of our own transport equipment and of the equipment operating on behalf of Tegma. This indicator corresponds to the measurement of engine exhaust gas opacity, in particular for diesel engines. The evaluation corresponds to the measurement of light absorption suffered by a light beam when crossing an exhaust gas column, expressed in linear meters (m-1), between emerging and incident light flows.

Non-compliant pieces of equipment are not hired/used and the average standards Tegma equipment are shown in the side chart, along with regulatory limits:

Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Program

Engine Efficiency

The engine efficiency of the equipment we use in our operations is essential to ensure that the environmental impact of our operations is as low as possible. The grading of engine efficiency is established by environmental regulatory agencies that determine the appropriate levels of pollutant and GHG gas emission. The most efficient and least polluting categories are the highest categories and are shown in the side table.

The average age of the Tegma equipment fleet is 6.1 years and the proportion of Tegma’s fleet according to the level of efficiency is shown in the opposite table.


Steam washing technology for silo trucks

The transportation of chemical products in our chemical operation using silo trucks creates a constant need for truck washing because the products are highly oxidizing. The water requirement for this process used to be around 150 m³ per month.

After the implementation of the new steam washing process, it generated environmental gains with savings of up to 90% in water consumption.

More productive silo trucks for chemical logistics

In 2017, Tegma created a new road implement (silo-truck), which is responsible for loading the chemicals products in order to improve the operation productivity and safety. Consequently, it reduced the environmental impacts of transporting these products.

The improvements involved reducing the length of the equipment, replacing it for aluminum parts, resizing structures and replacing the unloading system, among others. The environmental gains of this project were the increase in the load capacity, the reduction in maintenance and fuel costs, the lower emission of GHG gas and pollutants, as well as noise pollution reduction during the unloading process. Above all, it the increase in road safety (stability).


Sustainability Factsheet

Climate Change and Air Quality
Renewable energy
Impact on biodiversity
Waste management
Local environmental laws and regulations
Measurable environmental disclosures