What are Tegma’s areas of activity?

Tegma is directly related to the brand-new vehicle market in Brazil, a cyclical sector that has historically followed Brazilian and global economic performance. In periods of low growth or recession, the sale of new vehicles tends to fall considerably and in times of strong economic growth, sales grow exponentially higher than GDP growth levels.

Tegma is also closely linked to the personal care, glass work and home appliance sectors, since we operate the supply line for these industries. We are exposed to consumer goods sectors, since we store food products and commodities for e-commerce companies.

The Company’s headquarters are located in São Bernardo do Campo, in the suburban ABC region of São Paulo, the birthplace of the automobile industry in Brazil.

In Automotive Logistics, we transport vehicles to approximately 2,900 dealerships across the country, in addition to delivering vehicles produced in Brazil to be exported via ports or to Mercosur countries by road. We have more than 20 yards in 11 different states, located near automakers or at strategic points.

In Integrated Logistics, we concentrate our operations near the bases of our customers, located in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraná.

Read more about our operations in the Our Business section or download our Institutional Presentation.