Car sales beat a new record in the first half of October
Car sales beat a new record in the first half of October
Gazeta Mercantil
Even with one less day due to October 12th holiday, 110,584 vehicles, of which 92,313 automobiles and 18,271 light commercial vehicles were sold in the first half of October. This volume was 5.82% up on the 104,499 units licensed in the first half of September, the best result ever in the auto sector, according to data divulged by the National Automobile Dealers Association (Fenabrave). In October 2006, 80,597 vehicles were sold, a 37.21% growth.
With 104,500 units, the first half of August recorded the second best result, with 223 thousand licensed cars.
Commercial vehicles recorded sales of 5,676 units, of which 4,656 trucks and 1,020 buses, a 0.98% volume reduction compared to the first half of September (5,732 units and 33.08% up on the same period in October 2006 (4,265 licensed units).
In the highway equipment sector, sales moved up by 0.98% in the first half of this month, with 1,653 units, as opposed to 1,637 units in the first half of September. In October 2006, 1,427 vehicles were sold, a 15.84% increase.
In the motorcycle sector, sales maintained the same growth pace, with 84,733 units licensed in the first half of this month, 2.34% up on the 82,794 motorcycles sold in September, and 48.89% up on October 2006, when 56,911 units were sold.
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