Material Fact – Tegma and Silotec complete the formation of the joint venture in Espírito Santo

Material Fact
TEGMA GESTÃO LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Tegma” or “Company”), in accordance with article 157, paragraph 4, of Law 6,404/1976 and CVM Instruction No. 358/2002, as amended, hereby informs its shareholders and the Market, that, in sequence to the information published on the Material Fact of September 19, 2017, signed on this date with GDL Gestão de Desenvolvimento em Logística S.A. (“GDL”), BCDF and JR Participações S.A. (“Holding Silotec”) and others, the definitive documents (including the shareholders’ agreement) regarding the creation of the joint venture that will bring together the activities of storage and handling of general goods in Cariaciaca-ES by Tegma Logística Integrada (“TLI”) and by Companhia de Transportes e Armazéns Gerais (“Silotec”), former wholly owned subsidiaries of Tegma and of Holding Silotec, respectively.

São Bernardo do Campo, Febuary 8th, 2018.


Gennaro Oddone
Chief Executive and Investor Relations Officer


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