Notice to the Market
São Bernardo do Campo, November 08, 2013 – Tegma Gestão Logística S.A. (“Tegma” OR “Company” – BM&FBovespa: TGMA3), an integrated logistics services company and leader in the new-vehicle transport segment for the automotive industry, in continuation to the Material Fact of March 4, 2011 (“Material Fact”), and pursuant to the terms of the Acquisition of Control Agreements referred to in said Material Fact, hereby informs its shareholders, investors and the market in general that it concluded today the acquisition of the remaining twenty percent (20%) interest in the capital stock of Direct Express Logística Integrada S.A. (“Direct”), therefore now directly or indirectly holding 100% of its capital stock.
The agreements envisaged conditions to the valuation and exercising of Options, but Tegma and the holders of the remaining interest, however, decided to anticipate the exercising of the Options, originally scheduled for 2Q14. For the anticipated acquisition and the exercising of the Options, Tegma will pay two million, four hundred and fifty thousand reais (R$2,450,000.00).
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