Notice to the Market
São Bernardo do Campo, July 16, 2010 – Tegma Gestão Logística S.A. (“Tegma” – Bovespa: TGMA3), in accordance with CVM Instruction 358/02, as amended, hereby announces that
1. it received a communication from Western Asset Management Company DTVM Limitada, a subsidiary of Legg Mason Inc., stating that the volume of Tegma’s common shares held in its investment funds, in the portfolios it manages and through affiliated companies in total comes to less than 5% of Tegma’s common shares, i.e. Western Asset Management Company DTVM Limitada no longer holds a relevant stake in the Company, pursuant to the provisions in CVM Instruction 358/2002;
2. additionally, the purpose of such changes were exclusively related to investment strategy and are not intended to alter the control of Tegma or its management structure.
3. the Company is not responsible for the content of the document below.
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