How do I register in order to receive Tegma’s communications and financial releases?

To receive all communications from Tegma, simply sign up for the mailing list in the corresponding field on the home page or in the Sign up for the Mailing List section.

How do I invest in Tegma?

Tegma has a total of 66,002,915 shares and 48.5% of them are available for trading on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3 – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão), and can be acquired through stockbrokers, according to the market standards.

Before looking for a stockbroker to start trading, we recommended that you study the subject using materials available at the B3 education portal.

Tegma’s shares have the TGMA3 Ticker.

How can I track Tegma’s share prices?

In the Quotes section, we provide tables and graphs with the history of quotes and with Tegma’s online quote (updated every 15 minutes).

What does it mean for Tegma to be listed on the Novo Mercado segment?

Novo Mercado is a listing segment designed for trading shares of companies that voluntarily adopt corporate governance practices in addition to those required by Brazilian law. Being listed in this special segment implies the adoption of a set of corporate rules that expand the rights of shareholders, in addition to the disclosure of policies and the existence of inspection and control structures. Novo Mercado leads companies to the highest standard of corporate governance. Tegma has participated in B3’s Novo Mercado section since its IPO, on July 3, 2007.

Who are the company’s main shareholders?

Tegma’s controllers consist of three companies (Mopia Participações e Empreendimentos Ltda., Cabana Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. and Coimex Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda.), which hold 50.6% of the company’s shares.

Other controlling shareholders and treasury shares hold at 0.9%.

The remaining 48.5% consists of shares available for purchase on the stock market, as well as treasury shares and other controlling shareholders.

Read more in the Ownership Structure section of our website.

What are the risks one should be aware of when investing in Tegma?

The risks that Tegma is exposed to are explained in detail in item 4 of our Reference Form.

How can I watch the events that Tegma has held and find out about the events in which it will participate?

Future events can be accessed through our Events Calendar section, events that have already occurred can be accessed through our YouTube Channel.

How can I find out more about Tegma?

In addition to the information contained on our IR website and in this FAQ, the company’s main source of information is our Reference Form, available in the section Documents Delivered to the CVM.

How can I request the earnings report on profits distributed by the Company?

Itaú account holders can check those reports at www.itau.com.br, in the Checking Account menu> Income Tax Statement> Shareholders’ Income Report

Non-Itaú account holders: individuals can check those reports with total security through Itaú Corretora. Just access www.itaucorretora.com.br, and select the Non-Account Holder tab> I want to enroll, and follow the step by step guide. After creating the login and password and activating the registration, the report will be available in Portfolio> Stock Bookkeeping> Earnings Report.

Service Channels:


3003-9285 (capitals and metropolitan regions)

0800 7209285 (other locations).

Service hours are on weekdays from 9am to 6pm.

What is Tegma’s dividend payment policy?

Tegma’s mandatory dividend is at least 25% of the adjusted net income, in accordance with the Brazilian Corporation Law and its Articles of Organization.

However, in a meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 11, 2010, the adoption of an Indicative Policy for the distribution of dividends of the Company was approved, so that future dividend distributions, including interest on equity, are carried out in the minimum amount equivalent to 50% of net income for the year. The Distribution Policy also establishes two advance payments in August and in November, referring to the results of the first half of each year and the third quarter, respectively. Complementary dividends are proposed in a Management Proposal delivered to the CVM together with the Financial Statements for approval at the Meeting in April of the following year.

Click here to access the Company’s Results Allocation Policy, approved in April 27, 2023, which details the dividend payment policy based on the aforementioned Indicative Policy.

In the Dividend History section, we list all dividend and interest on equity payments made by Tegma since the IPO.

Does Tegma grant a tag along to its shareholders?

Tegma has a 100% tag along, ensuring the protection of minority shareholders in case the company is acquired and carries out a Public Tender Offer.

How and where does Tegma disclose its public information?

All notices to shareholders, communications to the market, relevant facts and announcements of Tegma’s results are released simultaneously at CVM and on Tegma’s investor relations website, in addition to being forwarded to all individuals registered in our mailing list (if you wish to receive our press releases, register in the Sign Up to the Mailing List section).

How can I contact the IR sector?

Contact can be made by phone, by calling the number +55 (11) 4346-2532 or by e-mail, through ri@tegma.com.br .

For more information, visit the Contact Us section.

We need to find out what kind of information bookkeepers can give to shareholders. What are the contacts for information about the Securities issued by the Company?

Tegma’s shareholders are served by Itaú Unibanco S.A.

The contact numbers for Banco Itaú service are: (011) 3003-9285, for Capitals and Metropolitan Regions, and 0800 720-9285, for other locations.



When was the company founded and what is its history?

Tegma’s history began in 1969, when it was founded by Fernando Schettino and Francisco Creso as Transportadora Sinimbú and was responsible for transporting meat. In 1971, after commercial negotiations, the company began a vehicle transportation operation for the automaker General Motors, from its São Caetano do Sul plant to Rio de Janeiro and Niterói. The expansion of the vehicle transportation business was exponential and with acquisitions and the attraction of new customers became the main business of the company within a short period.

In July 2007, Tegma held its IPO on Bovespa/B3 and became the first company in the segment to open its capital. Read more in our About Us section.

What are Tegma’s business divisions?

Tegma is a logistics operator that specializes in highly complex operations for industrial sectors that require a strict standard of service quality. We currently focus our operations on two main lines of business, automotive logistics and integrated logistics.

In automotive logistics, we provide transfer and distribution services for brand-new and used vehicles, port transfers, inventory management, vehicle manufacturer yard management and vehicle preparation services for sale.

In integrated logistics, we operate with two distinct operations, that of industrial logistics, operating in all stages, from the receipt of bulk products at ports or parts from suppliers to the supply of production lines. In the warehousing operation, we perform entry planning, handling and sorting, picking, sorting and order preparation and shipping services, all through our warehouses that add up to 27,000 m² in the city of Barueri in São Paulo and in the city of Pavuna, in Rio de Janeiro.

Read more about our operations in the Our Business section or download our Institutional Presentation.

What are Tegma’s areas of activity?

Tegma is directly related to the brand-new vehicle market in Brazil, a cyclical sector that has historically followed Brazilian and global economic performance. In periods of low growth or recession, the sale of new vehicles tends to fall considerably and in times of strong economic growth, sales grow exponentially higher than GDP growth levels.

Tegma is also closely linked to the personal care, glass work and home appliance sectors, since we operate the supply line for these industries. We are exposed to consumer goods sectors, since we store food products and commodities for e-commerce companies.

The Company’s headquarters are located in São Bernardo do Campo, in the suburban ABC region of São Paulo, the birthplace of the automobile industry in Brazil.

In Automotive Logistics, we transport vehicles to approximately 2,900 dealerships across the country, in addition to delivering vehicles produced in Brazil to be exported via ports or to Mercosur countries by road. We have more than 20 yards in 11 different states, located near automakers or at strategic points.

In Integrated Logistics, we concentrate our operations near the bases of our customers, located in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraná.

Read more about our operations in the Our Business section or download our Institutional Presentation.

What is Tegma’s logistics modality?

Tegma is primarily a road transport company, except for the waterway route for the transportation of brand-new vehicles between the city of Belém-PA and the city of Manaus-AM and surrounding areas, mainly through the Amazon River. The road between these two cities is not feasible and the water-based route takes 7 days, with an average of 170 vehicles on a single ferry, which we do not own, but rather hire.

Does Tegma have business abroad?

Tegma currently has no business abroad.

How is Tegma’s investment in innovation?

tegUP is a startup accelerator created in 2017 to be Tegma’s innovation division. A pioneer in this segment, tegUP seeks startups and transformative technology companies that offer products, services and technology related to the universe of logistics, that have high potential for evolution and that need some type of support to accelerate their growth.

Since its creation, tegUp has analyzed over 500 start-ups and made two investments, in Frete Rápido, the first 100% Cloud-based transportation HUB in Latin America, and in Rabbot, a fleet management company.

Click here to learn more about the work done by tegUp as well as its investments.

What is the difference between storage and yard management?

The vehicle storage service corresponds to the parking of vehicles that leave automakers due to a lack of space inside the factories. The service is performed and charged in terms of time and places used.

The yard management service corresponds to the service we provide for the administration of all vehicles that leave the customer’s factory or that are imported, including vehicles that will not be transported by us. These vehicles are handled by our employees and we are constantly in contact with the automaker in this process.

Could you explain the vehicle transport operation in detail?

For automakers, cost rationalization depends on scheduling and synchronized integration of all stages of the production process. For the automakers to produce with the minimum capital employed, it is necessary to have a minimum inventory formation, synchronizing the supply of parts and equipment with the expected flow of demand for new vehicles.

New vehicles are billed in the CIF mode by almost all automakers. Freight and insurance costs are paid by the automakers and are factored into the final cost of the vehicles for dealerships and final consumers.

From the moment a dealership orders a vehicle lot from the automaker, its delivery should take place immediately so as to meet customer expectations. The speed of delivery and the level of damage to the vehicle are two important factors for the success of sales efforts.

Dealerships maintain small inventories of new vehicles. Thus, a large part of this inventory is stored in the yards of automakers or at Tegma. These are mostly rented. Within the Tegma yards, it is also necessary to inspect and adapt vehicles before delivering them to rental companies and dealerships.

While some of these resellers or rental companies located in the largest urban centers place orders for larger lots and more regularly, which in some cases allows for direct shipments from automakers,

others, located in smaller cities, do so sporadically and in small lots. Delivery speed is still a competitive attribute of equal importance in all cases. Thus, it becomes necessary to consolidate the vehicles of automakers from the same region at Tegma yards.

Consolidation consists of transporting vehicles of different brands in a given route on the same truck, reducing waiting times and the average cost per vehicle.

Vehicle exports are taken to the ports or by road to Mercosur countries.

The mix of company-hired truck drivers (7%) and outsourced drivers (93%) is due to the strategy aimed at reducing the risks associated with fluctuations in demand for services and capturing the gains resulting from the specialization acquired by truck drivers with respect to certain routes.

Due to the fact that we have more than a thousand truck drivers on the roads in Brazil, since 2007 we have a program called Forte, aimed at training, communicating and preventing accidents with our truck drivers.

Does the acquisition of company-owned cars tend to decrease?

Until the beginning of the COVID 19 Pandemic, one could notice a trend in large urban centers in the country that pointed to a reduction in the intention to purchase vehicles, especially on the part of young people, due to the use of ride apps like Uber and the increase in car rentals for longer trips. However, outside the big centers, there was still a great interest on the part of people who still depended on public transportation to buy their own vehicle.

After the COVID 19 Pandemic, one could notice an increase in the interest in purchasing a vehicle so that one could depend less on public transportation due to social isolation measures.

How can I calculate Tegma’s vehicle logistics market share?

The vehicle logistics market share is the percentage market of vehicles that were transported by Tegma. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of vehicles transported by Tegma by domestic vehicle sales plus exports. All of these data are available in our Historical Series.

How can I better understand the logistics sector?

In addition to our institutional presentation, in which we briefly contextualize the logistics sectors in which Tegma operates, specific content on the topic can be found on the websites of ABOL (Brazilian Association of Logistics Operators), ABRALOG (Brazilian Association of Logistics) and ILOS (Institute of Logistics and Supply Chain).

What does an asset light business model entail? How is Tegma’s relationship with its truck drivers?

This term refers to the fact that we do not own a good part of the trucks that we use in our operations, due to the fact that the transportation is carried out by partners. Likewise, most of the consolidating yards for vehicle operation and 100% of the warehouses for integrated logistics operations are rented.

We have ~1500 partner truck drivers in the Automotive Logistics division. These are not Tegma’s employees – instead, they are bestowed with a license that allows them to operate under Tegma’s name and transport the vehicles for our clients. As such, they are paid with a transportation tariff, agreed upon between Tegma, the clients and the trade unions representing the drivers. Our partner drivers are a 100% variable cost.

This model is known for being adaptable to market expansions and retractions, presenting a high level of resilience in terms of results.

Why did you choose an Asset Light model? What are the major advantages of outsourcing the fleet?

The reason for choosing the asset-light model is due to the high volatility of the new vehicle sales market in Brazil, which has already gone through several crises and, due to the vehicle’s discretionary characteristic, sales usually fall much more than the economic average suggests.

Because of this, the asset light model in which we hire partners to carry out vehicle transportation in return for variable remuneration is a way for the company to protect itself from moments of crisis.

The advantage of the outsourced model is the incentive to our partner freighters – the more they work, the better paid they will be. However, all the rules of the trucker law are being complied with, with the maximum number of hours of work per day, resting hoursand all other requirements to safeguard the quality of work being respected.

How do I get information about the automotive market?

The ANFAVEA and Fenabrave are the largest associations in the automotive sector and consequently the main data providers and pro market statistics. Additionally, we have compiled the main information on the sector and made it available in our Historical Series, in the “market data” tab.

Is Tegma affiliated with any class association?

Tegma is affiliated with ABOL (Brazilian Association of Logistics Operators) and ABIQUIM (Brazilian Chemical Industry Association).

What is the GDL joint venture?

GDL is a joint venture between Tegma and the company Silotec (50% – 50%) that unified the customs and general storage activities developed by the two companies in Cariacica/ES.



How is Tegma’s Corporate Governance structure?

Tegma has corporate governance, which in addition to encompassing control and planning, entails looking at the Company’s past and future.

The corporate governance structure is composed of: Board of Directors (Six members and two independent [one of them being the chairman]), Fiscal Council, Non-Statutory Audit Committee and People, Management and Governance Committee. Additionally, there are support areas such as Internal Audit, Compliance and Risk Management.

To find out more about our directors and officers who make up our management, access the Administration section of our website.

Does the company have a whistleblowing channel?

Yes, the reporting channel can be accessed through the website www.contatoseguro.com.br/tegma or by calling 0800 517 1203, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What are Tegma’s commitments to the environment?

At Tegma, we strive to make decisions that minimize our impact on the environment. The most important measures include promoting fleet modernization for more efficient engines and to control equipment smoke emissions, aiming at reducing the emission of pollutants and Greenhouse gases, as well as the implementation of new technologies for truck washing.

If you want to know all of our initiatives, access our Annual Integrated Report on our ESG section.

How do you vote remotely at Tegma meetings?

For the shareholder who wishes to vote at our meetings, simply download the remote voting ballot, which is published on our website, and follow the voting instructions.

Is Tegma recognized as a good place to work at?

After extensive internal research, Tegma was bestowed with the Great Place to Work certification, an achievement that reinforces the company’s commitment to promoting a work environment that values our human capital.

We are also members of the Corporate Citizenship Program, as such, we extended the duration of maternity leave for another sixty days and the duration of paternity leave for fifteen days.

What are the social responsibility initiatives that Tegma supports?

Tegma acts as an agent in the socioeconomic development of the communities in which it operates and in several others, supporting initiatives related to social issues, support for the elderly, culture and sports.

What precautions does Tegma take on the road?

Safety is an essential value and an important part of our culture. We share the road with thousands of people across the country each day and we aim to keep these roads as safe as possible for all those who use them. In addition to complying with traffic laws and regulations, Tegma makes its contribution to road safety in a number of ways – clear and fast road information, driver training and providing the appropriate infrastructure for drivers to properly rest.

In 2008, we created the Forte Program, aimed at the development of proper working conditions for our carriers and encompassing a series of actions to improve processes.

Understand more about our life care initiatives in our ESG section.

What is Tegma’s press relations contact?

For press relations, contact:

SW Comunicação e Conteúdo

Simon Widman

+55 (11) 99936-7948


Does the company have any social media presence?

Tegma has the following social media profiles:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tegmagestaologistica

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHHmcd5ntjQHbh13IhOaRg



Which rating agencies rate Tegma?

Since 2018 Tegma has been rated by Fitch. The complete history can be accessed through our Rating section.

How is it possible to forecast Tegma’s financial and operational information for a valuation?

Tegma provides the market with the Valuation Guide, a document in which we gather information on how the Company has behaved in the past to assist analysts and investors in carrying out their forecasts.

When does the company’s fiscal year end?

Tegma’s fiscal year ends on 12/31.

When does the company disclose its results?

Tegma discloses its results quarterly, you can access the complete calendar in our Calendar of Events section.

Which investment banks carry out analyses on Tegma?

Tegma is covered by several investment banks and analysis firms. All target prices and estimates can be found in the Analyst Coverage section of our website.

What are the accounting standards adopted by Tegma?

Tegma, like other Brazilian companies, follows the regulation established through the Accounting Pronouncements Committee – CPC, through the Brazilian Accounting Standards – NBC, which, in turn, follow the standards contained in the IFRS.